Socialna ekonomija sistema COBISS in mreže COBISS.Net

A historical view of the social economy of the COBISS system and of the COBISS.Net network is presented. Library economics is an important part of librarianship. From an economic point of view, the COBISS co-operative online bibliographic information system and the COBISS.Net network are examples of a genuine development of such systems with typical elements of post-market paradigm of the social economy.

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Federacija COBISS AAI: Avtentikacijsko-avtorizacijska infrastruktura COBISS

IZUM and libraries offer their users numerous information services and most of them require user login. Login is carried out on the basis of a username and password and enables the user’s authentication and authorisation. IZUM manages such a mechanism based on identity data and other information about the members within the COBISS system. This year, a single sign-on system was introduced via the Shibboleth software component and the COBISS AAI Federation.

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