Vrednote svetovnega etosa

Hans Küng, a contemporary Swiss Catholic theologian (born in 1928), who because of his heretic position was in 1979 deprived even of the right to lecture at the Catholic University of Tubingen, is the creator of a new Global Ethic, Weltethos. According to him, Weltethos does not mean a new global religion, but rather a binding ethical system of coordinates.

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Počasna tehnologija (slow tech) – Manifest za etično upravljanje tehnologij

Dramatic social and economic crisis that all economies have been witnessing in the last few years, and the environmental crisis the planet is currently going through have made people re-think the limits of the free global market enlargement. What kind of future are we preparing for the next generations? Will billions of dollars keep flowing each day in the global marketplace?

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“Etiziranje” v informacijski družbi – tveganje zaradi pomanjkljive usposobljenosti

echnology’s positive promises for fulfillment of what is best in humankind often result in unexpected disasters or usable systems. When malevolent people develop software such adverse outcomes are understandable. Unfortunately, too frequently, even the systems developed by good well-intentioned people have similar negative results.

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Učenje etike za spreminjanje prihodnosti

The seventh IFIP “Human Choice and Computers” Conference held in Maribor in 2006 confirmed Rob Kling’s statement that computer technologies play a key role in the transformation of social relationships – between individuals as well as within communities and institutions. ICT can bring freedom or slavery to people, depending on their awareness of the fact that “High technology requires high ethics.” (Zemanek) Pronounced pervasiveness of ICT and its global impact generate many ethical dilemmas, which cannot be resolved by computer experts if they do not have adequate ethical education.

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