Reaching decisions and adjusting: RDA and OCLC

Resource Description and Access (RDA), the successor to the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR), has had a significant impact on both bibliographic and authority data as they are represented in Machine-Readable Cataloging records in MARC 21. A brief history of the develoment of RDA is outlined. Since 2006, OCLC has kept up with some fifteen MARC 21 Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings Updates through a total of nine OCLC-MARC Updates.

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Format COMARC za opis fotografij

The holdings of Slovenian libraries also include photographs, which can be catalogued and included in the COBIB shared bibliographic database. Photographs as a medium are very specific compared to other types of library material, as one of their characteristics is that the data required for bibliographic description is missing. However, cataloguing in the COMARC format still enables adequate description.

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Federacija COBISS AAI: Avtentikacijsko-avtorizacijska infrastruktura COBISS

IZUM and libraries offer their users numerous information services and most of them require user login. Login is carried out on the basis of a username and password and enables the user’s authentication and authorisation. IZUM manages such a mechanism based on identity data and other information about the members within the COBISS system. This year, a single sign-on system was introduced via the Shibboleth software component and the COBISS AAI Federation.

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A new online user interface SICRIS, V3, was developed. Responsive web design concepts and support for mobile devices and touchscreens on the basis of jQuery Mobile framework were taken into account. Public access allows all functionalities of the previous version, and some new functionalities, such as advanced search, were added.

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Mobilna aplikacija naj služi uporabnikom

The main aim of a mobile app should be to ensure the largest possible degree of success, efficiency and satisfaction experienced by the users when reaching their goals, i.e. usability. In order to achieve it, the designers and developers of mobile apps must consider standards, recommendations and guidelines, which is the right path towards a high-quality product where the user interface and the contents are united into a homogenous whole. Only a mobile app adapted to its users will encourage them to use it and will satisfy their needs.

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IPv6 – ali ga že potrebujemo?

The Internet is the driving force of the modern world. The fundamental technology for its operation is Internet protocol. Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) was developed forty years ago and not enough address space was planned for today’s demands. Consequently, mechanisms were already starting to form to extend the IPv4 address space and develop the new version 6 (IPv6) in the past millennium.

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