30. 9. 2000
30. 6. 2000
CORC – projekt kooperativne katalogizacije virov na spletu
The article describes CORC – the OCLC pilot project on co-operative Web-based resource cataloguing, its formation, objectives and performance. The last part gives a short account of IZUM’s experience of participating in the project.
30. 6. 2000
30. 6. 2000
31. 3. 2000
Prevzemanje zapisov iz tujih baz podatkov v COBISS
The article presents downloading of bibliographic records from foreign databases to the COBISS system, serials from the ISSN database and monographs from WorldCat.
31. 3. 2000
Vključitev retrospektivne baze podatkov Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice RETRORK v vzajemno bazo podatkov COBIB
Describes the process of incorporating the National and University Library’s (NUK’s) retrospective database into COBIB, Slovenian union catalogue.