
Overhaul of the application of the Slovenian Current Research Information System (SICRIS)

The article presents upgrades and features of the new SICRIS application version, based on updated trasfer of data from ARRS, migration to open source environment and updated web services. In 2022, the project of migration from the Windows platform (MS SQL, ASP.NET, IIS) to the Linux platform (PostgreSQL, Java EE, Wildfly) was completed.

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On the importance of subject cataloguing and information about author afiliation in research libraries in COBISS.SI: the practice of indexing fields 6XX and subfield 70X8

The paper gives a new insight into the cataloguing practice in the COBISS.SI system, primarily regarding the necessity of bibliographic data for the management of bibliographies for researchers and research organisations. The paper evaluates two areas in the cataloguing practice, both of them optional but recommended.

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Relating to the connection between information science and bibliography (and librarianship), the elements are given to compare the concepts of Répertoire Bibliographique Universel (RBU) and COBIB within the COBISS system. Different aspects of understanding the development of bibliographies and the author’s personal view of the development of bibliographies are presented. According to Paul Otlet’s idea, conceived at the end of the 19th century, RBU was to represent the universal bibliography of all books and other publications from all countries, from all times and from all subject areas, organised by subject and author. Catalogues should represent the first stage of RBU.

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Pomen urejenih bibliografij za spremljanje in vrednotenje znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela

Academic and research libraries/librarians were always important partners to the scientific research community. As a result of developments in scholarly communication, information resources availability in electronic form, networks and national research policies librarians are challenged to find new ways to engage with research communities.

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Bibliografije raziskovalcev v sistemu COBISS.SI

Presented is the methodology of managing researchers’ bibliographies within the COBISS.SI system. A research classification scheme is used for unique identification of researchers. It is through this classification scheme that links are made to official records of the Slovenian Research Agency, containing information on researchers and developers, and to the Slovenian Current Research Information System (SICRIS).

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