31. 3. 2000
31. 12. 1999
Geslovnik Kongresne knjižnice – predstavitev (1. del)
The first part gives an overview of the development of the Library of Congress subject headings system from its beginnings, over one hundred years ago, to its place and role in the present-day online catalogues.
31. 3. 1999
Implementacija normativne kontrole v sistemu COBISS
This paper describes initial phases of the project on implementing authority control in the COBISS system: analysis of names and subject headings in the COBIB union database, generation of the CONOR prototype database and preparation of the working draft of COMARC/A, Format for Athority Data.
31. 12. 1998
Zbiranje in katalogizacija virov z interneta
The widespread adoption of Internet, when looking at it as a novel information medium, imposes strenuous tasks on libraries.
31. 12. 1998
30. 6. 1998
Primerjava cene kataložnega zapisa v sistemu COBISS in pri uporabi računalniških knjižničnih centrov v ZDA in Kanadi
Automated systems for copy cataloguiging are aimed to reduce work, time, and the price of records.