Vzpostavitev normativne kontrole v knjižničnem informacijskem sistemu COBISS.SI, Slovenija
Describes a process of gradual implementation of authority control in the COBISS library informationsystem in Slovenia (COBISS.SI). The CONOR.SI initial authority database contained, at thetime of its implementation, over 24,000 authority records for personal authors, mostly Slovenian,from publishing production of the last few years.
Novi mednarodni katalogizacijski pravilnik: Korporativna značnica med idejo o enotni in univerzalno kontrolirani obliki
Obdelava starih in redkih knjig v Knjižnici Matice srbske
The Matica Srpska Library (Biblioteka Matice srpske, BMS) has entered the major part of its collection of rare publications into an online union catalogue. Software solution, based on temporarily added fields 370–379, has been used for the description of old and rare books, as well as for the preparation of printed catalogues.
ISBD(CR) Izzivi katalogizacije virov v nadaljevanju
With the advance of digital technology and consequently with the appearance of new media, serial publications subject has achieved previously unforeseen possibilities.
FAST: Fasetna uporaba predmetnega izrazja
The Library of Congress Subject Headings schema (LCSH) is by far the most commonly used and widely accepted subject vocabulary for general application. It is the de facto universal controlled vocabulary and has been a model for developing subject heading systems by many countries.
Priprava dvojezičnega Splošnega geslovnika COBISS.SI
The Institute of Information Science (Institut informacijskih znanosti, IZUM), Maribor, and six Specialised Information Centres operating within the University of Ljubljana, and the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts participate in the project described in this article.
Splošni slovenski geslovnik
An assessment of the Splošni slovenski geslovnik (Slovenian general list of subject headings), published by the National and University Library (NUK) in 2000, is dealt with in this article. The analysis of the NUK subject headings list is made in the light of individual principles comprised in 1999 IFLA’s Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages (SHLs).