Avtomatizacija knjižnic v Makedoniji

In Macedonia, beside the National and University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” there is a network of about 200 libraries. Although the beginnings of library automation go back to 1977, the first serious steps in this direction were made by joining the SNTI/BIS project (Scientific and Technological Information System and Library and Information System), which stopped in 1991.

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Prihodnost kontrole serijskih publikacij: implementacija formata MARC 21 za podatke o zalogi

The paper presents impressions of the Preconference dealing with The Future of Serials Control: Implementation of the MARC21 Holdings Format, and those of the Annual 2001 ALA Conference. Special importance is given to both current holdings standards and issues and plans concerning the implementation of these standards within the serials check-in module of the world’s best known library systems.

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