Transparentnost raziskovalne dejavnosti v Sloveniji
This article deals with an issue encountered by almost every financing system for scientific research: how to ensure the best possible quality of research and a favourable ratio between the means invested and the final result.
Pomen knjižnic pri evalvacijah in akreditacijah univerz v ZDA
Accreditation is an integral part of the autonomy of U.S. universities, which has changed, but also gained significance through time. Whereas the evaluation of libraries used to be based upon their size, they are now evaluated based upon measures of their performance as defined by ACRL, i.e. input, output and outcome measures.
Pristop k evalvaciji na Univerzi v Ljubljani
Libraries are the heart of every university. European quality standards of higher education institutions naturally stress the significance of libraries. The University of Ljubljana introduced systematic analyses and preparation of reports on quality (self-evaluation), which also applies to libraries.
Uporaba citatnih informacij nacionalne in regionalne ravni pri evalvaciji znanstvene učinkovitosti
The rationales for building SCIndeks: Serbian Citation Index are described. CIndeks was built as a hybrid product designed to meet the two “natural” priorities of science in a small developing country such as Serbia: promoting national research results internationally and supporting non-arbitrary, quantitative evaluation of academic entities.
Stanje in odprta vprašanja visokošolskega knjižničarstva v Sloveniji
Libraries represent an element of globalism of universities and a key factor influencing their quality. Commercial service providers emerge wherever libraries do not meet expectations. Two Slovene universities are provided with good library support, which does not apply to other higher education institutions.
Univerzitetne knjižnice v Albaniji
Contemporary Albania inherited a government-managed higher education system, which eventually collapsed. Universities are emerging and developing in an unregulated environment with insufficient financial support. The libraries, though still very “modest”, are the ones that have achieved the highest level of organisation.
Univerzitetne knjižnice v Bolgariji danes
The software used in Bulgarian university libraries is not unified. Some years ago, as a part of the PHARE programme, a project was launched to create a union catalogue of Bulgarian university libraries.