A Set of Dimensions for Defining Data Quality in Bibliographic and Authority Records
A set of dimensions was developed for the purposes of quality analysis of data of bibliographic and authority records. The dimensions are qualitative descriptions of the types of data required in records. The set was developed by literature review and typology of errors, prepared by analyzing the recommendations given to librarians within quality control of daily bibliographic records production in COBIB.SI in 2017. The final set consists of 11 dimensions; it includes different data requirements within the following two basic categories of dimensions: quality of data value and quality of data representation.

Entry of Slovenian authority records for personal names into VIAF
In November 2018, with the entry of authority records for personal names into the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) system, Slovenia joined national libraries and other institutions that form authority data. Thus, Slovenian authority data is published at a global level. The article presents the VIAF system, the combining of records into clusters and their appearance in the web.

COBIB.SI: increment of bibliographic records in 2017
The article presents the analysis of the annual increment of bibliographic records in COBIB.SI in 2017. According to the data as of 31 December 2017, 174,995 new bibliographic records were created in COBIB.SI in 2017; the data collected during 2017 (n = 171,273) is analysed. The data on bibliographic and authority records downloaded from other databases is included, e.g. from WorldCat (OCLC), ISSN Register (International Standard Serial Number), Online Catalogue of the Library of Congress and Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF).

Reactive programming
Due to a large number of web devices and many end users, who want constant availability and quick responsiveness of applications, new approaches to computer programming are required. The concept of reactive programming, its basic characteristics, reactive solutions and microservices based on asynchronous operation are presented.