Matjaž Cigrovski

Federacija COBISS AAI: Avtentikacijsko-avtorizacijska infrastruktura COBISS
IZUM and libraries offer their users numerous information services and most of them require user login. Login is carried out on the basis of a username and password and enables the user’s authentication and authorisation. IZUM manages such a mechanism based on identity data and other information about the members within the COBISS system. This year, a single sign-on system was introduced via the Shibboleth software component and the COBISS AAI Federation.

Uvajanje tehnologije RFID v slovenskih knjižnicah
In recent years RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology based on information carriers, called transponders, has spread rapidly. The contents of transponders can be read and changed at a distance.

Najbolj brano gradivo
At IZUM, a new Web page has been prepared to display a top best-read books list by various criteria. Updating is done once a month as soon as all transactions from the previous month are transferred in IZUM’s common environment, and included into a common database.