ISBD(CR) Izzivi katalogizacije virov v nadaljevanju
With the advance of digital technology and consequently with the appearance of new media, serial publications subject has achieved previously unforeseen possibilities.
With the advance of digital technology and consequently with the appearance of new media, serial publications subject has achieved previously unforeseen possibilities.
Language, used by literature, is a sort of assembly of all partial language functions in the unique and independent heritage function. There is a real revolution going on in this laboratory this very moment. Digitalised text ended the illusion of any final state of documents and its technological and social petrified functions.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Systems are used approx. 5 years in libraries for book identification, for self issuing, anti-theft control and inventory control.
The Library of Congress Subject Headings schema (LCSH) is by far the most commonly used and widely accepted subject vocabulary for general application. It is the de facto universal controlled vocabulary and has been a model for developing subject heading systems by many countries.