authority records

Quality control of daily bibliographic records production in the period from 2015 to 2020

In this paper, the results of an analysis of the data quality performed within quality control of daily bibliographic records production in the period from 2015 to 2020 are presented. The sample included 13,478 bibliographic records with associated authority records. The analysis is based on the data quality dimensions that were attributed to the recorded errors of the reviewed bibliographic and normative records.

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Updating records in VIAF and recommendations for higher quality display of Slovenian authority records in VIAF

The article describes the process of updating Slovenian authority records in VIAF, the entry of identifiers into the CONOR.SI database and their display in COBISS+. For most authority records, the updating in VIAF went smoothly, whereas in some records for personal names errors occurred during the process of putting them into clusters, which were then sorted into four groups and compared with the typical entry-related issues described in the VIAF Guidelines.

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A Set of Dimensions for Defining Data Quality in Bibliographic and Authority Records

A set of dimensions was developed for the purposes of quality analysis of data of bibliographic and authority records. The dimensions are qualitative descriptions of the types of data required in records. The set was developed by literature review and typology of errors, prepared by analyzing the recommendations given to librarians within quality control of daily bibliographic records production in COBIB.SI in 2017. The final set consists of 11 dimensions; it includes different data requirements within the following two basic categories of dimensions: quality of data value and quality of data representation.

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Entry of Slovenian authority records for personal names into VIAF

In November 2018, with the entry of authority records for personal names into the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) system, Slovenia joined national libraries and other institutions that form authority data. Thus, Slovenian authority data is published at a global level. The article presents the VIAF system, the combining of records into clusters and their appearance in the web.

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