
Računalništvo, informacijska znanost in inženirstvo – zidaki nove znanstvene revolucije
The new revolution in science is based on a shift from computational science supporting research towards an integration of concepts, tools and computer science theorems into the very structure of all other sciences. The milestones in the development of scientific computing are indicated.

Znanstvenoraziskovalno in raziskovalnorazvojno delo v Bosni in Hercegovini s posebnim ozirom na pomen in vlogo univerzitetnih knjižnic
Even ten years after the war, the state of science and higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina remains critical, as discovered by a UNESCO expert group, which prepared a special document on this topic.

Odprta vprašanja in dileme kvantitativnega in kvalitativnega ocenjevanja v znanosti
The article is dealing with the issue, what are the reasons that bibliometrics has appeared in the second half of 20th century as additional element in R&D evaluations (along peer review which has longer historical tradition).

Regionalni vidiki informacijsko-storitvene infrastrukture za zagotavljanje preglednosti raziskovalnih informacij
In this paper, information infrastructure is treated as a constant condition to obtain added value in the form of effective access to public sector information.

Protislovja vrednotenja znanstvenega dela: Kako določiti pravo znanstveno založbo?
The paper analyes model of evaluation of monographic scientific publications as proposed in Slovene Regulations on evaluation of scientific achievcements.