Metapodatkovne XML-sheme v knjižničnih informacijskih sistemih
Download PDF Metadata has been used in libraries since the days of card catalogues. With the automation of libraries and the development of MARC formats, metadata schemes have gained an important role in the implementation of different functions, common to library practice. In the 1960s, the technology of magnetic tapes influenced the development of MARC records and the ISO 2709 standard. Similarly, the eXtensible Markup metaLanguage (XML) and XML tools for processing XML documents have influenced the development of XML schemas for description and exchange of bibliographic and related data, which are equivalent to those in MARC records. In the past few years, we have started to standardise metadata XML schemas for the description of different types of library materials (digital and non–digital), which are not dependant upon MARC records. The development and implementation of specifications, such as XML Schema, XSLT, XPath and XQuery, enables saving, searching, presenting, verifying and other kinds of record processing in XML formats in accordance with metadata schemes. This article describes the most commonly used metadata schemes in library information systems, namely MARC DTD, MARCXML, MODS, MADS, METS, BiblioML, DC and ONIX. Records in some of the aforementioned formats can also be transferred from the COBIB.SI shared bibliographic database using COBISS/OPAC software and authorised access.
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