Modelling of processes: tehnology development
New technologies are raising also serious problems and concerns that do not seem to get satisfying answers. To come to some understanding of this phenomenon, we built a simple model of processes, driving the development of new technologies.
Odprta koda – ne v ceni, v uporabni vrednosti je bistvo!
Computer software is intended for the user who today has to deal with two different models of its use and development: the dominant commercial model of proprietary closed-source software on one hand, and open-source software solutions on the other.
Vojaške knjižnice v Sloveniji
With the article we attempt to set out the principles of organization of libraries of the armed forces in Slovenia. In order to learn more about the organization of libraries, we have analyzed the literature and visited some of the libraries.
E-učenje v okolju spleta 2.0
The development of IT significantly affects traditional teaching and learning and it slowly changes them into e-teaching and e-learning. Such a development requires from all participants in educational systems to follow the IT development and build their own information literacy in the Web 2.0 environment.