10 (3)
Obveščevalna knjižnica v obveščevalnem živčnem sistemu Slovenije?
Good intelligence has always been essential for human survival. Its significance, however, has grown tremendously as a result of a rapid increase in information activities. Consequently, we are fully justified to talk about an intelligence revolution.
Usmeritve Evropske unije glede IKT: od informacijske družbe do eEvrope
The EU policy related to information society is to be divided into two time periods: the first, from 1994 to 1999, is associated with the name of Bangemann and with a distinctive European way to information society; the second, after 1999, is associated with the name of Prodi and with the activities in the direction of information society for all.
Uvajanje tehnologije RFID v slovenskih knjižnicah
In recent years RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology based on information carriers, called transponders, has spread rapidly. The contents of transponders can be read and changed at a distance.