Vloga ZBDS pri knjižničarski zakonodaji

The paper highlights the importance of the role libraries and librarians play in contemporary information society. Since the status of librarianship is underrated, the library legislation can provide ways of improving the image of libraries. Moreover, it is crucial for the legislation to ensure public funding of libraries. Professional issues should be dealt with by library associations, which is the case in the countries with highly developed library services. In the countries, however, where library culture is at a low level, the legislation also deals with this segment.

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Usmeritve Evropske unije glede IKT: od informacijske družbe do eEvrope

The EU policy related to information society is to be divided into two time periods: the first, from 1994 to 1999, is associated with the name of Bangemann and with a distinctive European way to information society; the second, after 1999, is associated with the name of Prodi and with the activities in the direction of information society for all.

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