Lidija Curk

Povezovanje sistemov: SICRIS – COBISS.SI – Web of Science
The novelty of the new web bibliographies version V3.5 is that bibliographic units, for which it has been established that they are covered by the Web of Science (WoS), are linked to the corresponding WoS record; in addition to that citation data is displayed.

Spletne bibliografije v sistemu COBISS.SI
The web application developed within the COBISS.SI system and intended for bibliographies of researchers and professionals as well as for articles published in serials is addressed. Possible methods for creating different types of bibliographies and methods for selecting and/or excluding bibliographic items when creating bibliographies of authors/researchers are presented.

Vzpostavitev normativne kontrole v knjižničnem informacijskem sistemu COBISS.SI, Slovenija
Describes a process of gradual implementation of authority control in the COBISS library informationsystem in Slovenia (COBISS.SI). The CONOR.SI initial authority database contained, at thetime of its implementation, over 24,000 authority records for personal authors, mostly Slovenian,from publishing production of the last few years.

XML – nov jezik na svetovnem spletu
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a simple, very flexible text format, based on SGML (ISO 8879). Designed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML will also play an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web.