Poklicna deontologija, samourejanje in etika v informacijski družbi

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IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) has been working on professional codes of deontology for the last 10 years. Lessons have been derived from that experience and most probably are applicable in the general field of engineering, especially when the pending question is related to the information society. Today there is an emphasis on instruments of self-regulation in a society where it is said that legal instruments are territorial and not global. IFIP-SIG9.2.2 has proposed a classification of some of those instruments and made their analysis. From those professional deontological statements and those self-regulating instruments, specific domains appear as a general preoccupation for building a framework for regulating the information society. Most of the time, it is considered as an ethical preoccupation. The question may be raised if it is not more a selfprotecting attitude than a protection of the customers, clients or citizen. How to introduce ethical consideration in those statements and instruments remains a challenge to be examined in the agenda of the World Summit on the Information Society.

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