The E-CRIS web applications representing research activities in countries that participate in the COBISS.Net system make it possible to access data in the XML format adjusted for communication among computers. Internal IZUM applications and different applications of scientific institutions access the data. In 2016, access to a wider data set in the JSON format was made possible.
Online learning in the COBISS.SI community
As part of its mission in the Slovenian librarianship sphere, IZUM puts great emphasis on education and training. Today’s way of life is very information- and technology-oriented, and e-learning with its online access to contents can additionally improve information literacy and also the quality of lifelong learning as a basic human right.
COBIB.SI: increment of bibliographic records in 2015
The article shows the annual increment of bibliographic records in COBIB.SI in 2015. The data on the increment by months and by days was analysed. With a total increment of 27.88%, November, October and January were the leading months, the increment was a little over 9% in each of these months. In 2015 the largest number of bibliographic records was created on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Structural crisis of copyright, part 2
Avtorska pravica je vrsta intelektualne lastnine. Beseda “avtorska pravica” ni najbolj posrečen prevod izraza “copyright” (pravica do kopiranja izvoda), hkrati pa je tudi zavajajoča, kot da bi bil osrednja oseba avtor, ne pa imetnik pravice do kopiranja. Avtor je vsekakor imetnik moralne avtorske pravice, vendar je zelo redko tudi imetnik materialnih pravic. Moralne avtorske pravice nimajo tržne vrednosti in so s stališča družbenega sistema, v katerem šteje le denar, nepomembne. Stališče do avtorske pravice je odvisno tudi od poslovnega modela, kot sta npr. model “dolgega repa” ali model “zastonj”.