Pomen in vloga informacijskih portalov za upravljanje znanja
Intellectual capital refers to the knowledge accumulated in an organisation in the course of its operation, having a significant impact on the corporate value. As knowledge constitutes both assets and a competitive advantage of a company, it has to be managed.
Računalništvo, informacijska znanost in inženirstvo – zidaki nove znanstvene revolucije
The new revolution in science is based on a shift from computational science supporting research towards an integration of concepts, tools and computer science theorems into the very structure of all other sciences. The milestones in the development of scientific computing are indicated.
Vloga ZBDS pri knjižničarski zakonodaji
The paper highlights the importance of the role libraries and librarians play in contemporary information society. Since the status of librarianship is underrated, the library legislation can provide ways of improving the image of libraries. Moreover, it is crucial for the legislation to ensure public funding of libraries. Professional issues should be dealt with by library associations, which is the case in the countries with highly developed library services. In the countries, however, where library culture is at a low level, the legislation also deals with this segment.
Mariborska deklaracija o pomenu knjižnic za kakovost univerz
Accreditation, described as a “Licence to Kill”, is arousing fear across Europe, since this American practice is unusual in the European context. The problem is the degree of autonomy of European universities, which are under the control of their governments, appropriating the authority for granting accreditations.