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Contribution to the Research on Bibliographic Activity Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1955-2001)

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1945, the Decree on Mandatory Delivery of Printed Matters in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Decree on the National Library of Federal Bosnia and Herzegovina were passed, which laid the legal foundations for creating a Bibliography of Bosniaca. Later in B&H, following the foundation of the B&H Library Association in 1955, the first B&H librarianship journal, the Bulletin of the B&H Library Association and the National Library of the People’s Republic of B&H was launched, where the journal was first renamed to Librarianship: Journal of the B&H Library Association and then to Librarianship: Yearbook of the B&H Library Association.

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Evaluation of the CONOR.SI authority file from cataloguers’ point of view in academic libraries

Authority control is an important part of cataloguing. The Slovene CONOR.SI authority file including authority records for individual and corporate authors, enables among others identification of authors. The purpose of the research was to find out cataloguers’ opinions on its usefulness, its advantages and disadvantages, and how creating authority records for corporate authors was practised. The survey was conducted as an online questionnaire and interview, 73 cataloguers from academic libraries participated. The results showed that the majority of surveyed cataloguers were satisfied with CONOR.SI.

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Implementation of the Libraries of Emotions project in the Kranj City Library – experiences and challenges

Kranj City Library is the central regional library, which, among other things, implements programs for reading literacy, information literacy, lifelong learning and intergenerational cooperation. In this context, we joined the international project Libraries of Emotions with the aim of introducing an innovative reading promotion service. In the paper, the project and the process of implementing practical content were presented.

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Personalisation in the Moodle virtual learning environment: a case study of Arnes Classrooms

The education system should provide an inclusive learning environment where every individual is important and entitled to equal opportunities. This paper presents the activities and functionalities of the Moodle virtual learning environment based on the case study of the e-classroom where the potential for providing an inclusive learning environment based on the idea of personalised learning was analysed.

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Challenges of approaches to improving web accessibility

The concept of web accessibility provides the basis for ensuring accessibility of websites and mobile apps for all users, primarily for persons with a disability. The Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act from 2018 represents a regulation of minimal harmonization and it summarizes the EU directive. Although the act was adopted several years ago, the situation in Slovenia is still relatively undeveloped.

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