E-knjige in COBISS
Integration of e-book acquisition and lending into the COBISS system is presented, leading to the development of a new software module: COBISS3/Electronic Resources. The module enables acquisition procedures of electronic material and linking to e-lending portals.
Kakšen COBISS, knjižničarka?
At Polje Primary School, on the day of technology organised within the framework of activity days, pupils of the 6th grade learn about the COBISS system and about searching in COBISS/OPAC. In six periods, pupils also learn about how to cite sources correctly and about the rules for writing term papers.
Pomen urejenih bibliografij za spremljanje in vrednotenje znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela
Academic and research libraries/librarians were always important partners to the scientific research community. As a result of developments in scholarly communication, information resources availability in electronic form, networks and national research policies librarians are challenged to find new ways to engage with research communities.
Socialna ekonomija sistema COBISS in mreže COBISS.Net
A historical view of the social economy of the COBISS system and of the COBISS.Net network is presented. Library economics is an important part of librarianship. From an economic point of view, the COBISS co-operative online bibliographic information system and the COBISS.Net network are examples of a genuine development of such systems with typical elements of post-market paradigm of the social economy.
COBIB.SI: prirast bibliografskih zapisov v letu 2014
The article shows the annual increment of material in COBIB.SI. The data on the increment of bibliographic records by months for 2014 was analysed. With an increment of 10.65%, January 2014 was the leading month, followed by October with 9.41%. On an annual level, the largest number of bibliographic records is created on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Antropologija informacij: transdisciplinarno podpolje informacijske znanosti
The emergence of information and technology anthropology, and cyborg anthropology at this point runs along a side route. Anthropology of information and technology is the use of the anthropological approach in information science and vice versa, information science should be one of the most important anthropological sciences.