Socialna ekonomija sistema COBISS in mreže COBISS.Net

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A historical view of the social economy of the COBISS system and of the COBISS.Net network is presented. Library economics is an important part of librarianship. From an economic point of view, the COBISS co-operative online bibliographic information system and the COBISS.Net network are examples of a genuine development of such systems with typical elements of post-market paradigm of the social economy. The concept of social economy was introduced by French social scientists in the 1980s to explain the difference between the market (private) and public (government) sectors and the third, voluntary sector. Social economy is based on a network ontology for online exchange of information and things. The COBISS system and the COBISS.Net network, which links collaborative online library information systems, include the network ontology for online exchange of information. The concept of the common good, and not the commercial paradigm of immediate financial gain, is the leading idea in the COBISS system and the COBISS.Net network. In addition to the price of the use of records at nil marginal costs, also the price of creating records is competitive in the COBISS system and the COBISS.Net network.

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