31. 3. 2000
31. 3. 2000
31. 12. 1999
Sodelovanje znotraj knjižnične skupnosti – danski primer
The lecture provides the highlight of the collaborative nature of the Danish library community, the Danish library set-up in general, the DanBib system comprising a common bibliographic database, a network and common functions, and The Danish Library Centre.
31. 12. 1999
Geslovnik Kongresne knjižnice – predstavitev (1. del)
The first part gives an overview of the development of the Library of Congress subject headings system from its beginnings, over one hundred years ago, to its place and role in the present-day online catalogues.
31. 12. 1999
Technical Communicator ali težave s prevzemanjem terminologije: še o tvorbi in izposojanju terminologije, o mešanju jezikov, sodobni lingui franci in ambivalentnem odnosu do tujk
By comparing the entries for technical communicator in different dictionaries, the article discloses the problem of the meaning-shift in certain components of the terminology, which aggravates the importation and translation of technical terms in receiving languages.
31. 12. 1999
31. 12. 1999