Uporaba citatnih informacij nacionalne in regionalne ravni pri evalvaciji znanstvene učinkovitosti

The rationales for building SCIndeks: Serbian Citation Index are described. CIndeks was built as a hybrid product designed to meet the two “natural” priorities of science in a small developing country such as Serbia: promoting national research results internationally and supporting non-arbitrary, quantitative evaluation of academic entities.

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Visokošolske knjižnice Univerze v Črni Gori

Prior to higher education reform, the University of Montenegro tended to develop as a loose association of separate organizational units and the University members, the University holding the greatest administrative and organizational autonomy and independence. The library system tended to develop in the same direction – with the central University library as the University member and libraries of faculties and institutes, which completely autonomously and independently worked under the auspices of the faculties and universities as their own organizational units.

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Repozitoriji učnega gradiva kot podpora Bolonjskemu procesu: pogled iz Hrvaške

This paper argues that the application of new teaching methods together with quality assessment of higher education institutions depend directly on the quality of teaching aids and services available to both students and teachers. For that purpose it is necessary to ensure the co-operation between teachers, pedagogues, librarians and information and telecommunication professionals.

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