Visokošolske knjižnice v Črni Gori – kadri

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A number of factors, such as the development of information technologies, the exponent growth of knowledge, globalisation as a world-wide process and university reform, rapidly transformed contemporary academic libraries and made them become information centres that enable access to a broad spectrum of knowledge resources and information objects. As such the libraries with their highly qualified and specialised staff have become partners in learning and scientific research processes of the academic community. At the turn of 21st century, in most unfavourable material and staff conditions libraries at the University of Montenegro soon started to understand what their role in these changed conditions was. At their own initiative and without any interest and support of the academic community, they took their first steps towards ensuring basic human and technical resources in order to transform into modern library and information centres. The reorganisation of the University and staff changes put an end to all this. Libraries have once again found themselves in a marginal position, and the system continues to decentralise and disintegrate.


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