30. 6. 2002
30. 6. 2002
30. 6. 2002
30. 6. 2001
31. 12. 1998
Zbiranje in katalogizacija virov z interneta
The widespread adoption of Internet, when looking at it as a novel information medium, imposes strenuous tasks on libraries.
31. 12. 1998
31. 12. 1998
30. 9. 1998
Težak o resnici in samozavedanju znanosti
Težak’s first more extensive article O resnici v naravoslovnih vedah (About the truth in natural sciences), published in the journal Nova Evropa after his graduation in 1931, reflects the characteristics of the university atmosphere in Zagreb (then under the influence of the Vienna circle), which also contributed to the then won two Nobel prizes (Prelog, Ružička).
30. 9. 1998