Digital humanities: a whim or a (bibliographical) routine?

The article presents and analyses selected digital humanities projects and research initiatives in which libraries and other heritage institutions participate actively. These ambitious global projects supplement the existing knowledge on general and specific social and cultural-historical phenomena in the field of written cultural heritage with the help of web-based applications, tools and the collaborative location-independent research approach.

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Updating records in VIAF and recommendations for higher quality display of Slovenian authority records in VIAF

The article describes the process of updating Slovenian authority records in VIAF, the entry of identifiers into the CONOR.SI database and their display in COBISS+. For most authority records, the updating in VIAF went smoothly, whereas in some records for personal names errors occurred during the process of putting them into clusters, which were then sorted into four groups and compared with the typical entry-related issues described in the VIAF Guidelines.

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Users in the COBISS environment – experiences at the Public Library of Užice

In 2019, the Public Library of Užice conducted a survey to assess the level of user knowledge of the search process in COBISS/OPAC (now COBISS+). The survey consisted of the following segments: user profile, most commonly used access points, use of screen tips and ease of searching, and user evaluation of the search results obtained.

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On the importance of subject cataloguing and information about author afiliation in research libraries in COBISS.SI: the practice of indexing fields 6XX and subfield 70X8

The paper gives a new insight into the cataloguing practice in the COBISS.SI system, primarily regarding the necessity of bibliographic data for the management of bibliographies for researchers and research organisations. The paper evaluates two areas in the cataloguing practice, both of them optional but recommended.

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Improving WorldCat quality

OCLC’s WorldCat approaches 475 million bibliographic records. Many of those records have been created manually by members of OCLC’s worldwide cooperative. Others have been added to WorldCat en masse from institutions large and small, from national libraries, from cultural heritage institutions, or from rural public libraries.

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Archival description using UNIMARC: Presidential Library experience

The paper presents basic approaches to managing archival resources in the Presidential library (Saint-Petersburg, Russia). All resources in the collection are described using the RUSMARC format (national implementation of UNIMARC), which provides sufficient instruments to keep the hierarchical structure of archival description and to give detailed characteristics of the materials.

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