Monitoring user debts and debt recovery in public libraries: the case of the Kranj City Library

Kranj City Library is one of the largest Slovenian public libraries, which, like most Slovenian libraries, also deals with the debts of its users. Prohit Claims Management Agency helps us to collect the debts. Before collection by an external contractor, we first carry out a series of procedures in the library to collect the debts ourselves. We regularly monitor the debts of library users and inform them about their debts.

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COBISS+ user experience

User experience is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the quality of services, products and even bibliographic information systems. Due to the lack of comprehensive research into user experience in bibliographic information systems, we developed a questionnaire, covering all key dimensions and aspects of user experience and taking into account the specificities of bibliographic information systems.

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Users in the COBISS environment – experiences at the Public Library of Užice

In 2019, the Public Library of Užice conducted a survey to assess the level of user knowledge of the search process in COBISS/OPAC (now COBISS+). The survey consisted of the following segments: user profile, most commonly used access points, use of screen tips and ease of searching, and user evaluation of the search results obtained.

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Library System Development Centre, National and University Library, and integration of school libraries in COBISS

The amendments to the Librarianship Act in 2015 redefined the status of school libraries and assigned new tasks associated with the monitoring of the activities and development of school libraries to the National and University Library (NUL). The statistical monitoring of activities performed by school libraries, the designing of the school library development strategy, the concept of three-year development plans and the development of regulations on the conditions to be met by school libraries in the field of education are among the new activities of the Library System Development Centre, NUL.

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COBIB.SI: increment of bibliographic records in 2018

The article presents an analysis of the increase in bibliographic records in COBIB.SI in 2018. The data collected during the year were included in the analysis. Emphasis is placed on bibliographic data (n = 169,226), as well as data on the increase of normative records for personal names in the CONOR.SI database (n = 63 716) and data on downloaded records from other databases. Included is the analysis of the increment of bibliographic records by months for 2018 and the most productive days of the year.

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Measuring the data quality of the bibliographic and authority records: case study of selected data elements for facet navigation and a displayed list of search results in COBISS+

As one of the segments of data quality analysis, theoretical and methodological approaches towards measuring the quality of data in bibliographic and authority records are presented. On the basis of professional literature review, the paper focuses on metrics, methods of measurement and results analysis.

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