Ustvarjanje organizacijskega znanja in ljudje

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The objectives of the total quality management concept and business process reengineering are to increase the efficiency of business processes; yet Slovenian companies do not have much regard for the integrity of these two concepts and often view them in an insufficient and too technical manner. Slovenian companies have not yet become interested in the lea rning organisation concept, which is based on having people more involved in the busi ness process. The successful implementation of all three concepts is preconditioned by required, but not yet foreseen, changes in the culture of organisations and in values. Organisations of today are forced to carry out continuous changes to meet the challenges of globalisation. They have to face internal and external pressures. To carry out changes in an organisation, the mere application of some theoretical policy or method does not suffice unless employees are well aware of the necessity of change and also approve of the method of change. People need to know thems elves well and know others from social, work and other aspects. They also have to be familiar with factors which can help them create or prevent them from creating an innovative organisation. Employees in an innovative organisation represent the driving force for the creation of a co mpetitive advantage. The article stresses the significant roles that people, training and knowledge have, in general, in the successful performance of business organisations, and these roles are even more important in the case of the so-called “knowledge intense” companies, the business operations of which are based on knowledge and high-tech. In the context of people and organisational knowledge, I wish to present a possible solution for the brain drain problem arising in such companies. It is fairly easy to think of creating the required culture in an organisation with a high regard for learning and its significance, or to discuss a knowledge-based economy in general. However, it is extremely difficult to measure human processes such as creativity, conversations, judgement, teaching and learning. On the basis of what has been written so far on busi ness organisations that have already had to face this problem, I am convinced that the knowledge management concept as such is limited as it does not refer to human processes. In many bus iness organisations, the original interest in knowledge creation has been reduced to information technology or other measurement tools, to which too much attention is often paid. Nowadays, the idea of management brings associations of process control and surveillance, which can nevertheless result in uncontrolled, or, at least, restricted business processes.

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