Slovenska kulturna in zgodovinska izkušnja za informacijsko družbo
The history of culture is a unique anticipation of future information society, from which it is evident that a sudden, revolutionary leap into a new civilization is improbable and is only wishful thinking on the part of those left behind.
Online referenčna služba
Presented are the impressions of the Digital Reference Pre-Conference held in conjunction with the 2002 American Library Association annual conference in Atlanta. Over the last years, the online reference service has established itself in the American libraries, and has now slowly been trying to find its way into Europe.
Knjižnice med Gutenbergom in Gatesom: Vloga znanstvenih knjižnic v novo nastajajoči medijski krajini
Libraries have gone throughout many changes in history; nowadays, with names like Gates and Joy, they find themselves at a similiar turning point as once personified by Gutenberg. EU is aware of the depth of the metamorphosis taking place and supports it with different political documents, such as the Guidelines on Library Related Legislation and Policy which are dealt with in detail in this article.
Zadovoljstvo uporabnikov sodobne informacijske tehnologije
Development and use of modern IT (information technology) are, in many ways, changing the style of work and lifestyle of individuals, companies and of the entire society. In the article, several significant factors influencing the quality of information business services and users sastisfaction – related to the most effective and efficient use of the opportunities offered by IT – are analysed.
Splošni slovenski geslovnik
An assessment of the Splošni slovenski geslovnik (Slovenian general list of subject headings), published by the National and University Library (NUK) in 2000, is dealt with in this article. The analysis of the NUK subject headings list is made in the light of individual principles comprised in 1999 IFLA’s Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages (SHLs).
Organizacija znanja na svetovnem spletu
The newspaper called Organizacija znanja (Organization of Knowledge), which is the continuation of the newspaper called COBISS Obvestila (COBISS News), is published also in an electronic form. For this purpose, IZUM has developed a special web application which makes it possible to offer the newspaper contents representing it as a source of information on the web. Modern technologies, such as Java and XML, have been applied.