07 (1-2)
Knjižničarji in upravljanje znanja
Major changes in librarianship, triggered by major changes in expectations, demographic characteristics and educational needs of library users, as well as the changing perceptions of the value and importance of information along with new, advanced technologies used in libraries are dramatically and irrepressibly changing the role of librarians.
Informacijska sociologija, ekonomija in informacijska (meta)fizika
The article is one of the results reached within the frames of a broader project Selective bibliography of key contributions to the development of the information science, in which the authors have been involved since 1995. The result of the project should be a special bibliographical history of the information science.
Najbolj brano gradivo
At IZUM, a new Web page has been prepared to display a top best-read books list by various criteria. Updating is done once a month as soon as all transactions from the previous month are transferred in IZUM’s common environment, and included into a common database.
Branje v temi: knjižnica za slepe in slabovidne
The article presents my diploma thesis titled The Development and the Importance of the Library of the Association of Blind and Partially Sighted of Slovenia, which I defended at the Department for Librarianship at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
Pomen informacijske tehnologije kot dejavnik učenja
Information technology is increasingly gaining importance in the learning process, especially in lifelong learning and education. This is particularly obvious in distant learning, although the web has already entered traditional school, too, and is affecting the changes of the hitherto practised pedagogical communication.