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New technology provides a possibility of capturing the information infinity. In an interesting turn of events, globalisation strengthens the desire to recognise the identities of individuals and nations. Libraries have a great responsibility in this respect and can only successfully fulfil it in association with other institutions in charge of documentary heritage. Users are not concerned with the location of information; what they want is quick and easy access to it. This was crucial when in 2004, the National Library of Canada merged with the National Archives of Canada to form Libraries and Archives Canada (LAC). The merger of the two organisations is carried out so as to trigger synergy effects for the benefit of Canadians. These constitute a distinctly multicultural population and the LAC takes this fact into consideration in building its collections, ensuring accessibility and providing its services. The most important ongoing projects refer to digitisation and internet use whereby the most long-term one is the Canada project aimed at digitising the entire Canadian documentary heritage of the past 300 years. This will be the LAC’s major contribution to Canada’s identity and to its future development. The Government has integrated the project into the Canadian digital information strategy. Dealing with the digital material so extensively was the reason why LAC participates in the group of four national libraries working on the preparation of RDA, a new cataloguing tool.

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