EDIFACT – nov način sodelovanja knjižnic in dobaviteljev gradiva

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The electronic interchange of business documents is a well-known procedure, which has been used for a long time; the EDIFACT standard, which defined it, was created some time ago. In recent years this standard has been increasingly used for the acquisition of library materials. Similarly, Slovenian libraries became increasingly aware of the advantages of modern technologies for the interchange of business documents related to the acquisition processes. In the COBISS3 software, functionalities in the COBISS3/Acquisitions module have been upgraded by adding the option of order transfer between customer and supplier, the EDIFACT standard has been taken into consideration. After initial experience gained by the Central Technological Library at the University of Ljubljana, which initiated the implementation of the new software functionality currently used for the acquisition of library materials from abroad, some other functionalities provided by EDIFACT will also be implemented in the COBISS3 software. Libraries will find transition to the new technology simple and it provides economic benefits, reliability and a modern approach in the acquisition of library materials.

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