Stanje avtomatizacije knjižničnega poslovanja v Češki republiki

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In 2004, the Concept of the internetisation of libraries was approved by the Czech Government. In the same year, 2.121 libraries were connected to the Internet, whereas 3.864 of them were still not provided with Internet access. The Library Public Information Services programme, critically important for the automation of libraries, was launched in 2000. Since 1995, the Aleph library system has been used by the National Library along with international standards, such as AACR2, UNIMARC and recently also MARC 21. They provide basis for automated circulation system, interlibrary loan and acquisitions modules. As it turned out, the decision to use UNIMARC made in 1994 on the IFLA recommendation was wrong. In June 2005, a decision was made to use tool Aleph Cluster for shared cataloguing. The Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic, built since1995 and running under the system Aleph 500, contains 2,218,479 records. Currently, there are two major digitisation programmes – Memoria and Kramerius – running in the Czech libraries together with some other minor specialised programmes. Additionally, some projects aiming to improve online access to library materials have been implemented. The Czech libraries work on different library software systems, although they mostly decide for the local product.

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